Student Conduct Policy

Last updated Dec 15, 2023


Northwest Skills Institute (“Northwest Skills, “NWSI”, “NW Skills”, “we”, “our” or “us”) wishes to ensure that we provide an environment conducive to collaborative learning.

We are a community of students, staff, and guests involved in learning, teaching, and other activities to support students’ skills development and employment. Our programs also depend on the support of many partners who also have expectations of how students behave while on visits and tours.

Individuals come from different backgrounds and cultures. We all have multiple characteristics that intersect and contribute to who we are.

Irrespective of our differences, all members of this community have a common goal to learn. As such, students are expected to conduct themselves in a common manner that contributes positively to an environment in which respect, civility, diversity, inclusiveness, and safety are valued, so as to assure the success of both the individual and the community.

Self-governance of your behaviour is important, and NW Skills has a zero-tolerance for bad behaviour.


  1. The purpose of this policy, the Student Code of Conduct (the “Code”), is to:
    1. define an agreed standard of conduct expected of students;
    2. provide examples of misconduct that may be subject to disciplinary action by Northwest Skills;
    3. provide examples of disciplinary measures that may be imposed; and
    4. set out the process and procedures that we will follow when an allegation of misconduct is made.
  2. Students are expected to be aware of, and to conduct themselves in accordance with this Code.
  3. NW Skills respects the right of students to conduct their own personal lives. This Code governs conduct only to the extent necessary to:
    1. protect the integrity and proper functioning of the academic and non-academic activities of NW Skills;
    2. the professional, peaceful, and safe enjoyment of NW Skills facilities by other members of our community and the public;
    3. the freedom of members of our community to participate reasonably in the programs offered by NW Skills and in activities in or on our premises; and
    4. to protect the property of NW Skills and/or its community members.


  1. In this Code:
    1. “student” means a person who is presently enrolled in a course or attends an activity offered by NW Skills;
    2. “NW Skills Representative” includes staff, instructors, facilitators, recruiters, coaches, agents, tour hosts, employer partners, and any other person identified who is responsible for the learning outcomes, job matching, or safety of a student;
    3. “community members” include students, staff, instructors, clients, speakers, host employers, activity partners, guests, and other participants and visitors;
    4. “program” means any in-person, virtual or hybrid course, learning activity, tour, meeting, event, workshop, seminar, conference, employment and job readiness support initiative, and any other services offered by NW Skills or affiliated partners; and
    5. “premises” includes:
    6. lands, buildings, and grounds utilized by NW Skills for its training programs;
    7. any third-party off-site locations used for teaching, training, familiarization tours, interviews, or practicum activities;
    8. any vehicles used to transport students on group activities;
    9. any online learning tools, chat servers, discussion groups; and
    10. any other physical or virtual location where students interact.


  1. This Code applies to conduct that:

    1. occurs on or near the premises of NW Skills;
    2. occurs elsewhere in the course of activities sponsored by us, or where the conduct is alleged to adversely affect, disrupt, or interfere with another person’s reasonable participation in our programs or activities; or
    3. occurs in the context of a relationship between the student and a third party that involves the student’s standing, status, or academic record at NW Skills.
  2. Any student found responsible for misconduct is subject to the disciplinary provisions of this Code, regardless of the action or inaction of civil authorities. Nothing in this Code precludes NW Skills from referring an individual matter to the appropriate law enforcement agency before, during, or after disciplinary action is taken by us under this Code. A student may be subject to criminal prosecution.

  3. NW Skills may also define additional standards of professional and academic conduct for students in programs or activities where these are appropriate, as solely deemed by us, and this Code does not replace or supersede such standards.
  4. Unless otherwise stated, a student will only be liable for conduct that they knew, or ought reasonably to have known, to constitute conduct prohibited under this Code


  1. Any conduct on the part of a student that has, or might reasonably be seen to have, an adverse effect on the integrity or the proper functioning of NW Skills; the health, safety, rights, or property of NW Skills or its community members, is subject to discipline under this Code. The following list sets out specific examples of prohibited conduct. It is intended to help students understand the type of conduct that will be subject to discipline: it is not an exhaustive list and students should be aware that their conduct may still be considered prohibited conduct under this Code even if it does not appear in the list below.
  2. Prohibited conduct that is subject to disciplinary measures includes, but is not limited to, engaging in, attempting to engage in, or assisting others to engage in any of the actions described below:
    1. Misconduct against persons, which includes:
      1. physically aggressive behaviour, assault, harassment, intimidation, threats or coercion;
      2. conduct that threatens or endangers the health, safety or property of any person;
      3. conduct that creates conditions that endanger the health, safety, property, or well-being of any person;
      4. engaging in a course of vexatious conduct, harassment, or discrimination that is directed at one or more specific persons and that is based on any of the protected grounds under the BC Human Rights Code; and
      5. engaging in unwelcome or persistent conduct that the student knows, or ought to reasonably know, would cause another person to feel demeaned, intimidated, or harassed.
    2. Misconduct against property, which includes:
      1. taking without authorization, or misusing, destroying, defacing, or damaging NW Skills property or property that is not their own, or information or intellectual property owned by NW Skills or by any of its community members;
      2. possessing NW Skills property or property that is not their own, if the student knows, or ought to reasonably know, that the property has been taken without authorization; or
      3. creating a condition that unnecessarily endangers or threatens destruction of NW Skills property or property that is not their own.
    3. Disruption, which includes:
      1. any action, threat, or other disruption of any activity organized by NW Skills or by any of its teams, departments or affiliates, or the right of other persons to carry on their legitimate activities, to speak or to associate with others.
    4. Unauthorized Use of NW Skills Facilities, Equipment, or Services

      1. No student shall use any facility, equipment, or service of NW Skills, or enter or remain on any premises, to which they do not have legitimate access, or contrary to the expressed instruction of authorized persons.
      2. No student shall use any NW Skills computing equipment, facility, network, or system for any disruptive or unauthorized purpose, or in a manner that violates any law, NW Skills policy, regulation, or procedure.
      3. No student shall destroy, misplace, misfile, or render inoperable any stored information such as books, film, data files, or programs from a library, computer, or other information storage, processing, or retrieval system.
    5. Misappropriation of Materials and Funds

      1. No student shall use any NW Skills or partner materials for non-academic personal use. This includes removing office supplies or utilizing office equipment for personal use.
      2. If stipends or funds are provided to a students to support the individuals learning objectives, the funds provided may only be used for the intended purpose. For example, if funds are provided for tools or protective equipment then only tools and protective equipment may be purchased.
    6. Create False Charges, Information, and Identification

      1. No student shall bring a false charge against any NW Skills community member under this Code.
      2. No student shall knowingly furnish false information to any person or office acting on behalf of NW Skills.
      3. No student shall forge, alter, or misuse any NW Skills document, file, record, certification, or instrument of identification, or knowingly furnish false information to any person regarding their standing, status, or academic record at NW Skills.
    7. Aiding the Commission of Prohibited Conduct

      1. No student shall encourage, aid, or conspire with another student in the commission of prohibited conduct, or encourage or aid behavior by a non-student which, if committed by a student, would be prohibited conduct under this Code.
    8. Refusal to Comply with a Direction of a NW Skills Representative

      1. No student shall refuse to comply with a reasonable direction to do, or not to do, something related to a learning exercise or safety, that is made by a NW Skills Representative authorized to make such a direction.
    9. Refusal to Comply with Disciplinary Measures

      1. No student found to have committed prohibited conduct under this Code shall fail to comply with a disciplinary measure or disciplinary measures imposed under the procedures of this Code.
      2. No student who has agreed to take steps to correct or resolve a matter under this Code shall fail to comply with the terms of that agreement.
    10. Alcohol or Drug Use

      1. No student shall use, possess, be under the apparent influence of, or distribute a controlled or restricted substance or contravene provincial liquor laws, federal and provincial laws related to controlled or restricted substances, or the policies of NW Skills governing the possession, distribution, and/or consumption of alcoholic beverages, cannabis, drugs, or any substance that can impair an individual and create a safety risk.
    11. Possession or Use of Dangerous Objects

      1. No student shall store, possess, or use real or replica firearms or other weapons, explosives (including fireworks), ammunition, or toxic or otherwise dangerous materials on NW Skills premises.
    12. Contravention of NW Skills Policies, Regulations, and Rules

      1. When a policy, regulation, or rule of NW Skills prohibits or proscribes certain conduct but does not provide any penalty for breaches of the policy, regulation, or rule, then breaches and penalties shall be dealt with under this Code.
    13. Contravention of Other Laws or Regulations

      1. No student shall contravene any provision of the Criminal Code or any other federal, provincial, or municipal statute or regulation.
      2. No student shall contravene any bylaw, policy, regulation, or rule of a NW Skills premise.


  1. Disciplinary measures which may be imposed, singly or in combination, for misconduct include, but are not limited to, the following:

    1. Warning or reprimand – A written warning or reprimand to the student.
    2. Probation – A written reprimand and order for a designated probationary period in which a student must fulfill certain conditions and have good conduct or otherwise be subject to the imposition of further or more severe disciplinary sanctions.
    3. Restitution – Payment of costs, or compensation for loss, damage, or injury that may be monetary or in the form of appropriate service or material replacement to NW Skills or a community member.
    4. Apology – Issuance of a statement, apology, or retraction in an appropriate form in public or in private.
    5. Loss of privileges – A denial of specified privileges for a specified period of time. Privileges are those that if restricted may affect full participation in a NW Skills program but not make it impossible to satisfy program completion requirements.
    6. Restriction or prohibition of access or use – A denial for a specified period of time of, or conditions imposed on, a student’s right to access to or use of any part or all of NW Skills’ lands, equipment, facilities, services, activities, programs, meetings, or events or those held by, on, or in association with NW Skills.
    7. Discretionary sanctions – Imposition of work assignments, service to NW Skills or its community members, or other such discretionary obligations, actions, or initiatives, that are considered appropriate and punitive, compensatory, restorative, educational, or deterrent in nature, provided that any such work or service is available and not prohibited by law, labour or other service agreements.
    8. Deregistration or termination – Removal of the student from the program.
    9. Suspension – Suspension of the student from all NW Skills program for a specified period of time after which the student is eligible to return. Conditions for readmission may be imposed.
    10. Expulsion – Expulsion of the student from all current and future programs offered or to be offered by NW Skills.
  2. Disciplinary measures for misconduct will be recorded on a student’s file. A record of any allegations and any disciplinary decisions made as a result of the allegations will be retained in the student’s file and, in the event of any further allegations of misconduct, the allegations may be considered when determining how to deal with subsequent alleged misconduct.
  3. Refusal to comply with a disciplinary measure or disciplinary measures imposed under this Code is itself a serious offence and may result in suspension for up to two years.
  4. Where the misconduct resulted in property damage, the disciplinary measures should include restitution or rectification.
  5. Where a monetary disciplinary measure is imposed, the costs to NW Skills and its community members, and the degree of financial hardship imposed upon the student, if any, should be taken into consideration.


  1. Allegation and Initial Incident Report: All incidents of suspected misconduct will be reported to the program Instructor or Facilitator, who will then bring the matter to the attention of management, or the Program Manager. The Program Manager will consider the allegations and may do any of the following:

    1. meet with the student suspected of the misconduct;
    2. if applicable, meet with any targeted, victimized, or injured party;
    3. meet with any witnesses or observers;
    4. investigate further by any means deemed necessary and appropriate to produce an objective fact-based incident report to be submitted to the Executive Committee; or
  2. Preliminary Determination: If the Executive Committee believes that the suspected misconduct is of such a minor nature that it does not require corrective action or that they are not likely to find facts that would result in disciplinary action, the Program Manager may discontinue further action. Upon discontinuing further action, the Program Manager will notify program Instructors and Facilitators, and the student named in the allegations in writing of their decision, and will invite the student to respond if the student wishes to do so. The student will also be advised of the possible effect of the allegations in the future, as set out in section 12.
  3. Further Investigation Not Required: If the Executive Committee believes that misconduct has occurred, they may determine what, if any, further investigative steps are required. This may include additional interviews to produce a more fulsome and detailed investigation report. The Executive Committee may also proceed to Final Determination without any further actions.
  4. Final Misconduct Determination: Once the Executive Committee makes a misconduct determination it will issue a written decision to the student with steps the student must take to correct or resolve the matter.
  5. Misconduct Resolution Agreement: A written agreement outlining the steps to be taken by the student will be drawn up and must be signed by the student. The agreement must be consistent with NW Skills policy and procedures and must, in the opinion of the Executive Committee, adequately resolve all aspects of the allegations made against the student. The student must be advised that the agreement is conditional upon compliance and that if the student fails to comply with any aspect of the agreement, the matter may be referred to the Executive Committee and the non-compliance may constitute a separate incident of misconduct.
  6. Compliance: The Instructor, Facilitator, Program Manager, and any other applicable program staff will be made aware of the conditions in the Misconduct Resolution Agreement. They will monitor the student’s compliance with the agreement.


A student may appeal a misconduct decision through the process detailed in the Dispute Resolution Policy.


If you have any questions or suggestions regarding our Student Conduct Policy, please contact us.

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