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Personal Finances

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Course Certificate

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eLearning (Self-paced)

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Approx. 13-14 hours

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Private Link

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  • English CLB 7
  • See details below

Course Description

This comprehensive suite of financial courses is designed to equip individuals with essential knowledge and skills to manage their finances effectively. Whether you’re a young professional starting your financial journey, a mid-career individual seeking to optimize your investments, or someone planning for retirement and long-term financial security, this program offers valuable insights and practical tools. You’ll gain a deep understanding of various aspects of personal finance, from compensation and budgeting to investing, retirement planning, and managing financial records. Each course is crafted to address common financial concerns and provide actionable strategies to help you build and sustain wealth, ensure financial stability, and prepare for unforeseen circumstances.

Course Outline

Compensation and Budgeting Basics

Dive into the fundamentals of compensation, including monetary, deferred, and nonmonetary forms. Understand key concepts such as gross pay, deductions, and net pay, and explore the benefits of direct deposit. This section also covers essential budgeting techniques, including how to calculate your net worth and implement effective budgeting strategies like zero-based budgeting to maintain financial control and achieve your financial goals.

Investing Fundamentals

Learn about various investment options to build wealth, including money market instruments, bonds, stocks, and mutual funds. This section introduces the concepts of risk tolerance and asset allocation, helping you to make informed investment decisions. Additionally, you’ll understand how inflation impacts your purchasing power and how to plan your investments to mitigate its effects.

Financial Services Overview

Explore the financial services offered by banks and credit unions, including how to use these services to your advantage. This section will also introduce you to the power of compound interest and the Rule of 72, providing insights into how these concepts can help grow your savings and investments over time.

Credit Management and Loans

Gain a clear understanding of credit reports and scores, and learn about the different types of loans such as student loans, automobile loans, and mortgages. This section covers essential loan terminology and components, helping you make informed decisions when borrowing and managing credit.

Retirement and Estate Planning

Prepare for a financially secure future by learning about various retirement planning options, including 401(k) plans, traditional IRAs, Roth IRAs, and small business retirement plans. Additionally, explore estate planning concepts such as wills, probate, trusts, and durable powers of attorney for finances and healthcare to ensure your assets are managed according to your wishes.

Insurance Essentials

Protect yourself and your assets with a comprehensive understanding of different types of insurance. This section covers health insurance, disability insurance, renter’s insurance, homeowner’s insurance, umbrella liability insurance, and life insurance, providing you with the knowledge to choose the right coverage for your needs.

Record Keeping and Organizational Strategies

Efficiently manage and organize your personal financial documents with guidance on what to keep and for how long. This section outlines best practices for paper and electronic filing systems and provides timelines for retaining tax returns, investment documents, loan agreements, estate planning documents, home ownership records, vehicle documents, and passports. Proper record-keeping ensures that you stay organized and prepared for financial or legal needs.


  • Recommended English CLB 7
  • Have access to a device that meets the system requirements to use Northwest Skills Institute online courses

Reviews & Summary

*Price quoted are in Canadian funds, per person, per registration, and does not include any applicable taxes. Subject to change without prior notice.

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